Sunday, February 27, 2005


ただ今、日曜日の朝7:30です。まだ起きてます・・・昨日から。商社さんたちのイベントも盛り上がったが、やっぱりなんて言ったってオールで歌広withDJ.Aki,あやこ、りゅう、のへ、ひさお、まさし、and とみー。朝5時までみんなで熱唱しちゃった。そして、銀だことカレー(ちなみに大盛とんかつ)たのしすぎるーーーー。同期サイコー!!!おやすみっ。

p.s. J-Walk歌いたかった。また今度。
p.p.s 写真はお疲れの皆さん@カレー屋さんで・・・

Saturday, February 26, 2005






Basically, this post is about how awesome my co-workers have been and will be. They really are a bunch of fun people with different interests. They challenge me and comfort me. I've met a lot of interesting people in Clemson and still do appreciate all that, but it's quite crazy that I have only known most of them for a few weeks and that we hang out all the time already. I am really excited to meet the rest of them. I'm sure they will be just as exciting as ones I've already met. Our HR sure knows what they are doing.






Tuesday, February 22, 2005

台湾人情 ~Taiwan Hospitality~







I went to Taiwan for 3 days. It was a lot of fun with my family but rained whole a lot. It was suppposed to be way hotter than Tokyo but actually got colder cuz of the rain. It was awesome that I didnt bring anything warm cuz I was told that I wouldnt need it.

However in the cold weather, my heart was warmed up.

On Sunday, we went to this tower called 101, which is supposed to be the highest in the world. Well, it was just huge shopping mall so I left by myself to do something Taiwanish. Women like to shop wherever they are. and it doesnt matter what they shop...although they could've simply bought it near their home. It's the act of shopping that's important.

Anyway, so I was riding around Taipei with taxi and got to a memorial for WWII. When I got out, it was still raining and I didnt have an umbrella. Well as I got out, the driver also got out. And then, he popped the trunk and whipped out a umbrella. With a smile, he just handed me the umbrella and drove off. He didnt care that I wont be able to give that back to him. He was foreal nice and made my day.

I'll hopefully always remember that cab driver when I think about Taiwan...although I did leave the umbrella in the hotel because it would've been too much trouble carrying it at airports.

Friday, February 18, 2005

viva ウンコ座り









「とったどー」 by 波多野タン
「ガッショウ」 by 前田THEドラゴン
「あーざっす」 by みんな
「まつたけ8===D」 by 谷村慎子
「茶色だねっ」 by 竹下康介
「普通のデ000人になりたくないので・・・幸せ家庭を持ちたい」 by 正規晋


I went on a trip with 58 people that I will be working with in April. The resort was reserved just for us compeletely and had hot springs and was supposed to be a nice relaxing time. But It was never close to that mentally and physically. However, it was a lot of fun and I was amazed by how each person has his/her own personality and character. And it was hardcore. We made up some games to play and everybody was so creative and willing to participate in anything. That definitely lead the trip to the success.

Anyway, I witnessed a miracle. One of the guys on the trip, Shota, recognized me and remembered that he and I went to kindergarden together 18,19 years ago. That was crazy and I was sorry that I couldnt remember him. I'll get to see him in April when training starts so I am excited. But I bet that once I start working I'll meet more people that went to school in the past. But this is kindergarden I am talking about.

And, I need to do a little recap and regroup. We had a little paty at night and I WENT NUTS. I was gonna sell myself as a relaxing guy but dont guess that'll work least in the same class.

Anyway, it was fun...I wish we could do it again. I cannot remember eveyone's name, I dont even know some names of people in my own group. If there is a next time, I'll do better communicating and remember names.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005











そして今午前2時・・・未だに自分の準備は出来ていない。あと6時間で出発である。なぜここまで他者のためにがんばる?それはまぎれもなく俺がいいやつであるから! けどいい加減にこれやめないとあとで後悔するであろう。では・・・旅の報告は帰ってきてから。みなの安全で無事を祈る。

I'll write later about the trip in English...I am too tired. Peace

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentine's Day@東京女子医学大学病院



そこは1996年Greenwood, South Carolina. 放課後俺は野球の練習に励んでいた。中学までバスケをやっていたおれは、公式野球では初心者。それまでは小学校時代に友達集めて公園でたまにやるか巨人戦を見てイメージトレーニングをしてた。そんなヘタクソにコーチが与えたポジションはファースト。理由は簡単・・・左利きだから!!!そんなビギナーがファーストに立っていきなり清原THE番長になれるわけがない。

.005秒後にはナイアガラ流にしぶきを立てるBLOOD. それよりすごかったのはコーチGEER. 俺の止め処もなく流れる血を見つつ"JUST STAY OUT THERE!" いわれたとおりに血の激流とともにノックを受けたヘタクソファーストベースマンは俺です。



ってことで3月に医者の都合とベッドに空きが出れば、手術と入院が決定した。1週間も入るらしい。それを聞いたときの俺はマジで・・・へこんだ。私病院大嫌いじゃ。雰囲気にやられる。いるだけで致命的な病気にかかりそうでいやだ。その後、採血、採尿、心電図、入院予約を済ませcheck out. 一日中病院の各ステーションですげー待たされたが、会計はスーパー早かった。そんな病院が、金だけには手が早い薄情物に見えた。かなりへこんで倒れは、慰めるためにラーメンをご馳走してやった。

Long story short, I will probably be hospitalized in March. 9 years ago, I broke my nose playing baseball because I was a terrible 1st baseman. I was only at 1st base cuz I am left handed and didnt know where I should play, and my coach told me to go there. And the ball hit the dirt and nailed me in the nose. Since then, I hadnt been able to beathe from my right nostro. So I went today just to see what I can do about it.

So there I was sitting in the hospital waiting for my turn. IT TOOK FOREVER. I even fell asleep awhile. Let me get to the result...I may need surgery. and I have to be hospitalized for at least a week after that. That is upsetting. I hate hospitals. I feel like I'd get a deadly disease just being there. and I'll have to sleep there for a week. I might as well be dead now.

Well it was time to check out. Until checking out, I had to wait forever to get anything done from waiting on a doc, taking x-rays, etc. But not checking out. You go right in and right out. It was the fastest line I've ever been in. So I learned that they are slow to work but quick to money...filthy bastards.

Monday, February 14, 2005







today I really dont have much to write in English. I went out a lot this week. on Wednesday, I went out with a few guys to watch soccer world cup qualify vs. North Korea. and I didnt make it home. On Thursday, it was initially only a meeting but afterwards we ate and hung out awhile. took it easy on Friday. and now on Saturday, I met one of the most tripping, insane, ADD kids in Nikotama. He was nuts and we ended up at karaoke. and finally tonight, somehow I met up with a few people and talked about the trip and ate and hung out til midnight.

Finally, Japan is heating up for me.

and we only have 3 days til our ice-breaking trip. for your info, people that I will be working with from April are taking a trip together to get to know each other, and I am helping the initiators plan the trip. It's been crazy trying to get people go with us. and we got finally over 70 people. It is exciting. I'm getting crazy pumped.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

社会見学1: カラオケ

今日カラオケにつれてってもらった。男だけで行くとこではないと思ったが行った。俺に古さがマジで出た。俺が歌った歌: Knockin' On Your Door by L<=>R、瞳そらさないで by Deen、それが大事 by 大事MANブラザーズ。 他のみんな: Rip Slyme, EXILE, 槇原敬之(俺に合わせて)、Kinki, 青のりなど。 曲名なんか聞いたことなくてわかんなかった。


次回 社会見学2: 合コン

I went to karaoke today. Karaoke is a little different rednecks and you sit in a little room with people you come with. I didnt think it's a place you go with only guys but we went. and it was obvious that my time in Japan has stopped 10 years ago because of the songs I picked. I could not sing along the songs other guys picked cuz I had never heard of them. I thought it was a joke for awhile that I only know old stuff and I actually know what's new and all that. But I really didnt know. I guess I've got a long way to go.

Anyway as a result, karaoke just might be fun.

Friday, February 11, 2005



I had a meeting for the big trip and hung out afterwards.I met more people and like them a lot. I found myself being pressured by their deal. I mean they are hilarious and have momentum. I felt like I had to crack some jokes or act dumb beyond my limit. On the way home, we even picked up trash, which we will need for props. and I brought that home and must take it back out to Shibuya tomorrow cuz we'll build a TV frame with it. With all said and done, it's cool getting to know them now cuz I am on the ride with them for awhile. I'll be working with them and hanging out with them. So anything is whatever say whatever. Whatever that is, they will all find out eventually. Alright, I am not making sense here. It gets confusing when you try to translate what I am saying in Japanese word for word. English and Japanese are way too different. Oh well. Gotta get up early to build a frame. Later

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Sleep In

I slept til 11 this morning. And then I started watching a movie at noon. But the movie was going so slow. So I fell sleep...until 5. It was nice but I did not do anything at all today. When people says they didnt do anything that day, usually they did actually do at least a thing or two. But I literally did not do anything that requires thinking/moving/or anything. Now I cant sleep.



Monday, February 07, 2005


I just now decided that my daily goal is to find something cool/happy. It can be a thought, thing, action, whatever. Today I saw a live iguana leashed at a store. I wish I had taken a picture now.



Sunday, February 06, 2005


I went fishing for the first time the other day. It wasnt a real river or lake. It was at a managed pond. It's definitely a good way to start. You can practice there and it is actually easier to catch fishes there than the real deal. In fact, I caught 3 trouts and felt awesome. It might become my addiction soon.



Saturday, February 05, 2005

Semester At Sea

2 friends from Clemson went on Semester at Sea this semester and were going to stop in Japan from today(feb 5th) to the 9th. But I got a phone call from Hawaii a few days ago. It was Laura and Katherine who were supposed to be in Korea then. Long story short, their cruise ship was hit by a huge storm in the Pacific and was damaged bad. So they turned around and got to Hawaii. and the school cancelled stops in Korea and Japan. When they called, I told it must've been cool to experience crap like that and they went through the perfect storm and ended up at Castaway. But I saw a video footage in the news 2 days ago and it was insane. all students are huddled together and the boat was rocking left and right. Oh well...they are safe on Waikiki Beach now and my trip to Osaka, and Hiroshima went south.



今日ニュースを見ててかなり怒った。愛知のヨーカドーで34歳の男が11ヶ月の赤ん坊を意味なく刺して殺した。その後、他の子供にも殴りけり逃走。結局捕まったが、次は精神的理由で逮捕が成立するかわからないときた。ふざけるな。34歳のムショから出てきたばっかのおっさんが、何日かいらいらしていて「刺せ」という声が聞こえたと証言。いらいらしてたら「殺したい」と思うことがふつうあるのか? しかもそこに居合わせた他人しかも赤ん坊を殺すなんておかしすぎる。全然分からない。分かりたいとも思わない。おかしいよこれ。

I saw in the news today and got pissed off. A 34 year old guy killed a 11 month old baby for no reason in a department store. And then, he continue to punch and kick other kids there and ran away. He eventually was caught but now there is a chance that he wont get charged for the crime due to a possibility of mental illness or whatever. Now that is messed up. He even just finished serving time in jail at the end of January. He told cops that he was feeling frustrated for a few days and wanted to kill, and also he heard a voice telling him to stab. How does that work? I dont get it. I dont wanna get it. Can this humanly happen?