Tuesday, February 22, 2005

台湾人情 ~Taiwan Hospitality~







I went to Taiwan for 3 days. It was a lot of fun with my family but rained whole a lot. It was suppposed to be way hotter than Tokyo but actually got colder cuz of the rain. It was awesome that I didnt bring anything warm cuz I was told that I wouldnt need it.

However in the cold weather, my heart was warmed up.

On Sunday, we went to this tower called 101, which is supposed to be the highest in the world. Well, it was just huge shopping mall so I left by myself to do something Taiwanish. Women like to shop wherever they are. and it doesnt matter what they shop...although they could've simply bought it near their home. It's the act of shopping that's important.

Anyway, so I was riding around Taipei with taxi and got to a memorial for WWII. When I got out, it was still raining and I didnt have an umbrella. Well as I got out, the driver also got out. And then, he popped the trunk and whipped out a umbrella. With a smile, he just handed me the umbrella and drove off. He didnt care that I wont be able to give that back to him. He was foreal nice and made my day.

I'll hopefully always remember that cab driver when I think about Taiwan...although I did leave the umbrella in the hotel because it would've been too much trouble carrying it at airports.


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